
Index / News / Casa Árabe, Sísifo Award Winner of Honor for its research, defense and dissemination of archeological heritage

Casa Árabe, Sísifo Award Winner of Honor for its research, defense and dissemination of archeological heritage

The institution was one of four to be awarded with this acknowledgement, given by the Archeology Department at the University of Cordoba through the scientific culture project “Arqueología somos todos” (We Are All Archeology).

October 05, 2018
On October 4, Casa Árabe became the Sísifo Award Winner of Honor for its research, defense and dissemination of archeological heritage. Along with our institution, the other award recipients were the citizen platform “Huelva te mira” (“Huelva Is Watching You”) with a Special Mention, the  Bombas Gens project by the “Amor a l’Art”Foundation in the city of Valencia, with a Special Mention, and the Municipal Government of Aroche (Huelva province), Sísifo Award of 2018.
In the year of 2011, the Sísifo Research Group (PAIDI HUM-236) of the Archeology Department at the University of Cordoba started up a scientific culture project called “Arqueología Somos Todos” (“We Are All Archeology”), which later led to creation of the cultural association given the same name. It defends and advocates for the proper dissemination of Cordoba’s past as a key to upholding research on it, its protection and its proper appreciation. They recently decided to support other institutions, projects and individuals who stand out (locally, regionally, nationally or internationally) in the research, defense and/or dissemination of archeological heritage. Through the Sísifo Awards backing is given to their struggles and commitment to History and Archeology, as well as providing acknowledgment of the work they do to preserve the material and intellectual legacy of our past.
Casa Árabe, Sísifo Award Winner of Honor for its research, defense and dissemination of archeological heritage