
Index / News / Casa Árabe takes part in the Architecture Week

Casa Árabe takes part in the Architecture Week

Casa Árabe headquarters in Madrid have been chosen to be one of the fifteen buildings that will be visited in a guided tour during the 8th edition of the Architecture Week, comprised on the Visit Days OPEN Architecture program.

September 26, 2011
Casa Árabe’s headquarters are located in a characteristic building, model for the 19th Century Madrilenian neomudejar architecture. Designed by the architect Emilio Rodríguez Ayuso, it started to be built in 1884.

On 5th October, from 10am to 6pm, the public interested will have the opportunity to take a guided tour, accompanied by Architecture students from Madrid, who will explain in great detail why the building was chosen among the rest in Madrid due to its architectural interest and its peculiarities.
Casa Árabe takes part in the Architecture Week