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Destruction of Iraq’s historical heritage

Spain strongly condemns the terrorist group Daesh’s savage destruction of irreplaceable works.

March 11, 2015
Communique number 070 by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation

Madrid, March 10, 2015

Once again, Spain resoundingly condemns the savage destruction of irreplaceable works of Iraq’s historical and artistic heritage by the terrorist group Daesh. Archeological treasures in Mosul, Nimrud, Hatra and Dur Sharrukin, which form part of all of mankind’s cultural heritage, have suffered the totalitarian insanity of Daesh. These attacks by Daesh against Iraq’s cultural heritage cause disgust and horror to any rational, sensitive mind, but do nothing to advance the intention of erasing the age-old history of Iraq, cradle of civilizations.

Spain trusts that the destructive fury of the terrorist group Daesh will soon be neutralized and that those responsible for it will be judged and sentenced for their crimes, and it expresses its full solidarity to the authorities of Iraq in pursuing that objective.
Destruction of Iraq’s historical heritage