
Index / News / Directory of Health Industry Resources in Arab Countries 

Directory of Health Industry Resources in Arab Countries 

A map with more than 230 hospitals
Available online 

February 06, 2014
In recent years, the countries of the Gulf CooperationCouncil have made significant investments in the field of health care. One oftheir priorities is to expand and improve its range of health care services andinfrastructures, given the growth of their population and its purchasing power,which has occurred along with a higher rate of certain diseases and an increasein the demand for specialized services. Over 35 billion dollars are being spenton hospital construction projects alone, in both the planning and constructionstages. This will create a heavy demand for services, equipment, technology andproducts that are related with the health care industry.

This directory is intended for Spanish professionals and companies that have aninterest in exploring the opportunities for business, cooperation andprofessional development offered by these projects for health care expansion inthe Gulf. It includes a map of the health industry resources in each of thesecountries, with updated information and data on the existing hospitals andcenters, as well as on the planned projects and investments, the main agencies,managers and characteristics of the health care system, and information onrole-players and selection processes, with macroeconomic and social data oneach country. In the directory, you can find information on 239 hospitals, brokendown by medical specialties, 16 international selection agencies, and 26projects of reference with the health care field.

Casa Árabe, as a public Spanish institution devoted to promoting andfacilitating relations between Spain and the Arab countries, has the task ofdisseminating information on the opportunities for cooperation and businesswhich arise in these countries, in a series of industries and areas, as a resultof the processes of development and economic expansion that have been put intoaction in recent years, and through which Spanish companies and professionalsmay find mechanisms for access to new markets.

You may download the PDF file containing the Directory of Health CareIndustry Resources in the Arab States of the Gulf [in Spanish] by clicking on the“Documents” tab. 

Directory of Health Industry Resources in Arab Countries