
Index / News / International meeting on “Iraq and Its Neighbours”

International meeting on “Iraq and Its Neighbours”

From July 2 to 3, Casa Árabe’s headquarters in Cordoba hosted this international meeting to improve dialogue and regional integration between Iraq and its neighbors, Turkey, Jordan, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.

July 01, 2019
“Iraq and Its Neighbours: Enhancing dialogue and regional integration in West Asia” will include more than 20 international experts, as well as as series of bilateral work groups, whose common goal is to promote the sharing of ideas on topics of interest and commonly encountered challenges in arenas such as trade, border control, climate change, reconstruction, security and counter-terrorism.

With the participation/cooperation of: European Union (EEAS Baghdad), CARPO - Center for Applied Research in Partnership with the Orient Kaiser-Friedrich, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Meeting schedule (provisional)
International meeting on “Iraq and Its Neighbours”