
Index / News / Casa Árabe’s headquarters in Cordoba wins heritage prize

Casa Árabe’s headquarters in Cordoba wins heritage prize

The first ever World Heritage City Prize, given in 2011, was awarded to the remodeling of Casa Árabe’s headquarters in Cordoba, known as the “Casa Mudéjar.”

November 11, 2011
The prize was bestowed upon the Municipal Government of Cordoba for the project to restore and adapt the Casa Mudéjar and International Institute of Arab Studies and the Muslim World, with a view to preserving an essential example of the city’s Mudéjar architecture, thus recovering the building for cultural and social uses through a complex intervention which enhanced the value of its unique features while offering practical solutions.

The World Heritage Cities Prizes of 2011, given by Spain’s Ministry of Culture, acknowledge the work done by individuals and legal entities in the field of conservation, restoration, promotion and dissemination of historical and cultural heritage in Spanish cities whose historical ensembles and unique monuments have been declared World Heritage Sites by UNESCO in any category. The award also places a high value on the social revitalization of historical sites and life in heritage cities. Throughout the award’s ten editions, it has served as a stimulus for good practices, conservation and improvement in the management in the 43 sites declared World Heritage Sites inside our country, which is second only to Italy in this regard. 
Casa Árabe’s headquarters in Cordoba wins heritage prize