
Index / News / Meeting of Casa Árabe’s Director with Spain’s Ambassador to Libya 

Meeting of Casa Árabe’s Director with Spain’s Ambassador to Libya 

The institution’s General Director, Irene Lozano, held a meeting with Ambassador-designate Javier Soria Quintana, at Casa Árabe’s headquarters in Madrid. 

May 20, 2024
At the meeting, the two officials discussed Spain’s relations with this North African country and the potential for joint collaboration on cultural, academic and business affairs, as well as other issues.

Spain and Libya established diplomatic relations on January 14, 1961. The strategic goal of Spanish cooperation in Libya is to contribute to strengthening the country’s capacities in its process of reconstruction and political transition, within a very delicate security context.

The promotion of institutional, business and civil society exchanges between Spain and Libya is one of the main factors in this cooperation, through study and training visits to Spanish institutions, the promotion of the Spanish language in Libya and teacher training, cooperation in the arts, and participation in conferences and seminars organized by institutions such as Casa Árabe, Casa Mediterráneo, Club de Madrid or the Toledo International Center for Peace (CITPAX), in addition to others.

From June 2022 to June 2023, the Spanish Embassy launched an ambitious cultural program in Tripoli that included film screenings, concerts, activities involving food, painting, dance and fashion, helping to strengthen our country’s image and build bridges through cultural diplomacy. 
Meeting of Casa Árabe’s Director with Spain’s Ambassador to Libya 
Picture from the meeting