
Index / News / Music Week at Casa Árabe

Music Week at Casa Árabe

Casa Árabe organizes a season of activities related to the different Arab musics, including a course, a speech, a book release and a concert.

November 23, 2011

Tuesday 13th and Wednesday 14th: Andalusi music initiation course

This course, taught by Luis Delgado, an acknowledged musicologist, is aimed to spread the main elements and the characteristics of the music placed in Al-Andalus and is addressed to anyone interested in the understanding and the enjoyment of this musical heritage.

Place: At Casa Árabe in Córdoba (c/ Samuel de los Santos Gener, 9 – corner c/ Velázquez Bosco to Plaza de la Agrupación de las Cofradías).
Time: From 18.00 to 21.00.
Registrations: By telephone (957 49 83 53) or via Email ( Limited to 15 students.

Thursday 15th: Tribune “Arab Music”

The Arab culture musical universe has generated a great kaleidoscope of music compositions which along with the traditional forms enables a wide diversity in modern pieces.

This speech by Luis Delgado, musician and director of the Music Museum in Ureña, will guide us through a trip based on an audiovisual program, which will help dealing with History and the music characteristics from each region, classic and modern styles, as well as an overview of the most representative musicians who have been developing through the centuries this immense and passionate Arab music world.

Place: Casa Árabe’s Auditórium in Cordoba (c/ Samuel de los Santos Gener, 9 – corner c/ Velázquez Bosco to Plaza de la Agrupación de las Cofradías).
Time: At 19:30 horas.

Friday 16: Book release Music therapeutic dimension of the Sufism and a Sufi music concert

Casa Árabe releases the book by Jordi Delclos Casas, which tackles the therapeutic dimension of both the Sufi method and the music. This way it becomes related to the ancient tradition of healing through spiritual and artistic methods which promote heart openness and soul integration.

The event, where the Arab expert Pablo Beneito will take part in, will culminate in the musical performance of the author accompanied by other guest artists. Sufi music pieces will be played, as well as theoretical and practical examples of music therapy based on the Turkish music makam system. The concert will conclude with a mevlevi dance sample from the whirling dervishes, the Sema.

Place: At Casa Árabe’s Auditorium in Cordoba (c/ Samuel de los Santos Gener, 9 – corner c/ Velázquez Bosco to Plaza de la Agrupación de las Cofradías).
Time: At 19.30.