
Index / News / New calls by the Anna Lindh Foundation seeking young people from the Union for the Mediterranean

New calls by the Anna Lindh Foundation seeking young people from the Union for the Mediterranean

This involves one program for youth leadership and another for social media influencers, which are already available on the Foundation’s website.

October 11, 2024
For the first time ever, the Anna Lindh Foundation has launched a specific call for content creators in the field of social media. The program “Shaping Transformative Narratives” provides an opportunity to implement transformative communication and dissemination actions which are committed to promoting of peace and co-existence, fighting against disinformation and improving sustainability, among other goals. Young people between the ages of 18 and 35 with any nationality from one of the 43 countries belonging to the Union for the Mediterranean are eligible to apply. Applications may be submitted until October 21 by using the online form.

Through the Young Civil Society Leadership Program (YCSLP), the Anna Lindh Foundation intends to identify, build skills and foster the creation of a network of 26 youth leaders. Within the framework of the Second Med Dialogue for Rights and Equality, funded by the Directorate General for Neighborhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR), led by DAI Global Belgium, they will be able to gain access to a customized youth empowerment program which will last nine months. The goal is to foster community activities that promote the “Just Transition” and provide the opportunity to participate in the ALForum 2025. The call for applications will remain open until November 7 for those youths between the ages of 18 and 35 who have relevant experience in civil society or volunteering, and from any of the countries in the region.

Spanish Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation
Created in 2004 as part of the 43 national networks which currently make up the ALF, the Spanish Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation (of which Casa Árabe is a member) consists of 159 organizations, associations and foundations devoted to a wide range of issues involving development cooperation and intercultural dialogue in the Mediterranean countries, from youth to the arts, education, gender equality, immigration, environment, communication, etc. It is coordinated by the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed) upon designation by the Spanish government’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.

New calls by the Anna Lindh Foundation seeking young people from the Union for the Mediterranean