A new issue of the journal Awraq
Dedicated to “Translating Citizenship”
December 05, 2014
Casa Árabe has published Issue nº 10 of Awraq. A journal for analysis and thought on the contemporary Arab and Islamic world, the thematic section of which is dedicated “Translating Citizenship” on this occasion. This issue, published for the second half of 2014, includes the following articles by notable specialists who deal with the concept of citizenship in a multidisciplinary manner: The Terms “Taifa” and “Taifiya”: Tracing their semantic origin in accordance with the translator’s intentions (Ahmed Beydoun); From the Concept of Citizenship in the Thought of the Precursors to the “Nahda” or Arab Renaissance (Maher al-Sharif); The Paradoxes of Citizenship: Legal status or a form of political action? (Etienne Tassin); The Proof of Immigration: Citizenship, human rights and sources of vulnerability (Marie José Devillard); Citizenship within a Multinational and Multicultural Context: The case of the United Kingdom (Dina Kiwan); “Political Remittances: The case of voting by Lebanese expatriates in the national elections (Paul Tabar).
In the “miscellaneous” section, contributions have been included by Anahi Alviso-Marino (Street Art in Sanaa), Cristina Moreno Almeida (Rap in Morocco), Sol Tarrés (Muslims in Melilla), Vicente Ordóñez and Vicent Sanz (An Interview with Sami Naïr) and Roberto Mazza (World War I and the Diary of Count Ballobar).
Last of all, you will find reviews of books by Youssef Ziedan, Azazel (M. Luz Comendador), and Francisco Veiga, Leyla Hamad Zahonero and Ignacio Gutiérrez de Terán, Yemen: La clave olvidada del mundo árabe (Yemen: The Hidden Key to the Arab World, Ignacio Álvarez-Ossorio Alvariño), and John McHugo, Syria: From the Great War to Civil War (Alejandra Álvarez Suárez).