Presentation of the Ibn Masarra Federation of Islamic Communities
This association project focuses on diversity within the Muslim
community in Spain. The event is being held in Madrid on January 29.
January 24, 2020
The federation was named after a personage from Cordoba, Ibn Masarra (883-931), the first philosopher of Al-Andalus. A wise, universal humanist, the figure of Ibn Masarra serves as a role model in these complex times.
One of our main goals is to promote the formation of associations by Muslims and their participation and normalization in Spain in every realm of social, economic and cultural life. The project is based on working from a position of ideological independence, constant reflection about challenges in the contemporary world and their application to a way of experiencing Islam in the twenty-first century.
The event will be held at 11:00 a.m. in Casa Árabe’s Hall of Ambassadors (at Calle Alcalá, 62, first floor). The schedule is as follows:
11:00-11:15 a.m. Welcome speech:
Pedro Martínez-Avial, the General Director of Casa Árabe
Isabel Romero Arias, Honorary President of FECIM
11:15-11:55 a.m. About FECIM: Project and main ideas
Bárbara Ruiz Bejarano, Vice-President of FECIM
José Ángel Cadelo, Vice-President of FECIM
Hanif Escudero Uribe, President of FECIM
Antonio de Diego, Secretary General of FECIM
Further information about FECIM