
Index / News / Anna Lindh Foundation meeting en Casa Árabe

Anna Lindh Foundation meeting en Casa Árabe

The meeting of the Foundation's Spanish network will be taking place on the dates of September 18-19

September 11, 2014
The Spanish Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation (FAL), which Casa Árabe forms part of, is holding its Annual Assembly at the Casa Árabe headquarters in Madrid on September 18-19, within the framework of a Common Action that will include workshops on how to make networks more dynamic and raise funds for network members. The assembly informs the network’s members of all the latest news on the FAL, its programs, projects, activities, events, etc.

Created in 2004, as a part of the 43 national networks which currently make up the FAL, the Spanish Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation is, in turn, made up of 159 organizations, associations and foundations, dedicated to a wide variety of topics involving development cooperation and intercultural dialogue in the countries of the Mediterranean, from youth to art, education, gender equality, immigration, the environment, communication, etc. It is coordinated with the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed) by way of a designation made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of the Spanish government.

Spanish Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation
Network Brochure
Anna Lindh Foundation

Anna Lindh Foundation meeting en Casa Árabe