
Index / News / Screening of the film At Night, They Dance

Screening of the film At Night, They Dance

On Thursday September 6th, El Documental del Mes [The Monthly Documentary] launched in Madrid At Night, They Dance, a story which depicts the family clan of Egyptian women who survive acting as belly-dancers in Cairo.

September 05, 2012
The film depicts an unusual portrait of the Arab woman and offers a different look at Cairo from a female stance. The award-winning documentary got prizes in DocsBarcelona last edition, and the international festivals of Camden (United States) and Hot Docs (Canada). It was also selected for the 2011 Cannes Film Festival.

The screening took place at the Pequeño Cine Estudio (Calle Magallanes, 1) at 20.00. Ticket: €7.

El Documental del Mes is an initiative by the producer Parallel 40, and was born inside the European framework of CinemaNet Europe in 2004. Its aim is to get the most people to watch documentaries and to implement European documentaries presence on cinema screens.

Screening of the film At Night, They Dance