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Spain, the Second Best Tourism Trademark in the World

According to the annual ranking published by Bloom Consulting, a consulting firm which specializes in "country trademarks," Spain is ranked second in the world in terms of the tourism industry, and number thirteen in terms of trade quality.

February 01, 2013
The study “Bloom Consulting Brand Ranking” analyzes 160 countries’ effectiveness in attracting foreign investment in the sectors of tourism and trade. In the area of tourism, Spain is surpassed only by the United States and ranks ahead of France, China and Turkey. The trade ranking is also led by the United Stated, followed by Luxembourg and China.

Also included this year is a ranking which measures the positioning of each country’s tourism offerings in Internet search engines and the number of searches performed. Spain leads this list, followed by Thailand, Macao and Mexico.
European countries are at the top of the list among the highest ranked, holding 13 of the first 25 positions, though countries on other continents are on the rise, including Brazil, Australia, India and Kazakhstan. The tourism industries of Asian countries such as China, Thailand and Malaysia are notable, as well.
To produce this study, the consulting firm uses official investment and growth data from the World Bank and the United Nations, as well as “subjective data of an intangible value.” 

Reported by EFE.