Workshops for Actors in the RAZAS Project
You can now sign up to register for this initiative in favor of ethnic
diversity in the stage arts, intended for youths between the ages of 18
and 27.
December 21, 2017
RAZAS is an attempt to create a national and international role model, in the form of a sorely needed social initiative to help make the stage arts reflect the ethnic and cultural diversity of Spanish society today.
The project was started up by the Fundación Teatro Joven and the Edmond de Rothschild Foundations in both France and Spain through the youth theater projects Premier Acte and La Joven Compañía, respectively. The project has also been given the support of the Municipal Government of Madrid, the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the SGAE Foundation.
If you are between the ages of 18 and 27, and you would like to join this initiative, sign up for the RAZAS workshops.
The project consists of organizing workshops coordinated by playwright Marco Magoa. The work completed in them will be group-based and participatory, through exercises for bodily expression and acting: the actor or actress in space, the actor or actress in motion, monologues, improvisation exercises, etc.
The first round of workshops will be held at three sites on three different dates: Casa Árabe, The BlackView and the Cultural Center of China. The workshops at Casa Árabe will be held on January 27 and 28, and February 3 and 4.
You must sign up in advanced (free of charge) at: or at telephone number 91 014 04 53. Once the applications have been received, the workshop teachers will be responsible for choosing which candidates attend. Those selected will be informed directly ten days prior to the beginning of each workshop.
Project dossier