Lecture by the Gazan journalist Wael Al Dahdouh at Casa Árabe in Cordoba
Published at 16 04,,, 24 2024
Conference: "The Transition in Egypt After June 30th" by Ambassador Ayman Zaineldin
The Ambassador of Egypt in Spain, Ayman Zaineldin, analyses the Egyptian political transition that began in January of 2011, in light of the recent events which culminated on June 30, 2013. The event took place on Thursday, September 12, at 9:00 p.m. in the Casa Árabe Auditorium in Madrid (at Calle Alcalá, 62). Amb. Zaineldin offered a conference at which he reviewed what has taken place in his country since the so-called Arab Spring and up to the current moment. During his speech, Zaineldin was accompanied by Charles Powell, Director of the Elcano Royal Institute and Vice-President of the Spanish Transition Foundation, and Jesús Núñez Villaverde, the Co-Director of the Institute for Studies on Conflicts and Humanitarian Action (IECAH). For more information: http://en.casaarabe.es/news/the-transition-in-egypt-after-june-30thPublished at 37 12,,, 14 2014 -
Conferencia sobre la intervención en Mali [V.O. inglés y castellano]
Casa Árabe y FRIDE organizon, el martes 25 de junio en Madrid, la conferencia "Los desafíos para la seguridad en el Sahel y la trampa de la intervención en Mali", que impartió Anouar Boukhars, investigador visitante de FRIDE y del Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. La conferencia fue comentada por Jesús Nuñez, codirector del IECAH (Instituto de Estudios sobre Conflictos y Acción Humanitaria), y presentada por Eduardo López Busquets, director general de Casa Árabe y Barah Mikail, Investigador Senior de Oriente Medio y Norte de África en FRIDE. Más información: http://www.casaarabe.es/noticias-arabes/show/conferencia-sobre-la-intervencion-en-maliPublished at 37 12,,, 14 2014 -
"The Role of Women in Twenty-first Century Egypt", by Nawal Moustafa [English/Spanish]
On Thursday, September 19, journalist and entrepreneur Nawal Moustafa offered this conference in Madrid, at which she spoke about the situation of Egyptian women at the present time. Along with Moustafa, an Ashoka social entrepreneur and founder of the "Association for the Children of Imprisoned Women" in Egypt. Taking part in the event was Ana Sáenz de Miera, the Director of Ashoka Spain, and Karim Hauser, who is responsible for Casa Árabe's Governance program. As a result of what we now call the Arab Spring, women's participation in processes of change is a topic which has been debated from many different perspectives. Egypt, like Tunisia, is a country in which the role of women has been instrumental in terms of social mobilization. Given the current turmoil in the region, what is the outlook for Egyptian women's challenges and prospects in the twenty-first century? For more information: http://en.casaarabe.es/news/the-role-of-women-in-twenty-first-century-egyptPublished at 37 12,,, 14 2014 -
Conference: "Collecting and Curating Islamic Art in the 21st Century", by Tim Stanley
Tim Stanley, Senior Curator for the Middle East at the Victoria and Albert Museum, offered this conference on Thursday, November 7 at our headquarters in Madrid. Participating in the event were Santiago Saavedra, the director of Ediciones El Viso, Guillermo de Osma, an art historian and gallery owner, and Eduardo López Busquets, the General Director of Casa Árabe. For more information please visit: http://en.casaarabe.es/news/collecting-and-curating-islamic-art-in-the-21st-centuryPublished at 36 12,,, 14 2014 -
3/6 Foro ElcanoTerrorismo Global: sur de Europa [V.O español/inglés]
18 de noviembre de 2013. 18:00 horas. Evolución de la amenaza y desafíos contraterroristas en el sur de Europa Panel I Presidente: Rafael Estrella, vicepresidente, Real Instituto Elcano • La amenaza del terrorismo yihadista en Portugal. Hacia una Estrategia Nacional Contraterrorista. Hermínio Matos, investigador permanente, Centro de Investigación del Instituto Superior de Ciencias Policiales y Seguridad Interior de Portugal (ICPOL), Lisboa • La amenaza del terrorismo yihadista en Francia. Philippe Migaux, investigador y profesor, Sciences Po, París • La amenaza del terrorismo yihadista en Italia. Lorenzo Vidino, Senior Fellow, Center for Security Studies, ETH, Zurich • Estructura organizativa del terrorismo yihadista en España Javier Jordán, profesor titular de Ciencia Política, Universidad de Granada Más info: http://www.casaarabe.es/noticias-arabes/show/i-foro-elcano-sobre-terrorismo-global-“terrorismo-global-y-mediterraneo-occidental”-2Published at 36 12,,, 14 2014