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Casa Árabe Reading Club

From April 17, 2024 until December 17, 2024Check dates, times and fees for each period.
Casa Árabe headquarters (at Calle Alcalá, 62). Check dates, times and fees for each period.
In Spanish.

Casa Árabe, with the cooperation of the Escuela de Escritores (School of Writers), is organizing a Reading Club with a special emphasis on Arab literature, thus reflecting the diversity, wealth and complexity of these societies and their history. Sign up now! 

Casa Árabe is announcing the creation of a Reading Club at its Madrid headquarters, with the promise of exploring the literary wealth of the Arab world in all its diversity, variety and dynamic energy.

With a varied and captivating literary offering, Casa Árabe’s Reading Club aims to immerse its participants in a cultural journey through the pages of internationally acclaimed authors. From the most profound works of Arab writing to classics from world literature, the club’s program reflects the complexity and diversity of Arab societies and history.

The Book Club has been divided into different time periods, and discounts will be given to anyone who signs up for more than one period. Participants will get the chance to explore a selection of significant literary works in close detail, thus encouraging dialogue and the sharing of ideas in an enriching environment.

The first period, which will last from May 7 to July 2, will introduce a captivating selection of works that include “Madre de leche y miel” (Mother of Milk and Honey) by Najat El Hachmi, “The Stranger” by Albert Camus, and “Ice” by Anna Kavan, along with other fascinating titles.

The second period, to begin on September 10 and end on December 17, will offer an exciting variety of books which range from “Too Loud a Solitude” by Bohumil Hrabal to “Frankenstein in Baghdad” by Ahmed Saadawi.

In order to participate in the Reading Club, you must attend the first session after having read the first book. In addition, Casa Árabe will be explaining how the club works once participants have signed up. The sessions will be facilitated by Javier Fonseca, from the Escuela de Escritores.

Javier Fonseca
A writer of children’s and youths’ literature who has authored more than twenty publication in his own name or with a pen name (Isaura Lee), including Pastel de moras (Blackberry Pie, published by Algar eds. 2013), El visitante del otro lado (The Visitor from the Other Side, Diquesí eds. 2016) and Zampalabras (Word Eater, Nórdica eds. 2018), 17+85 españoles geniales que lograron su sueño (17+85 Amazing Spaniards Who Lived Their Dream, 1785 eds. 2019), Amigos imaginarios (Imaginary Friends, San Pablo eds. 2020) and La familia Muchasleguas(The Manyleagues Family, La Esfera de los Libros 2020).

At the Escuela de Escritores, he teaches children’s and youth writing and creative writing and storytelling for young people and adults, projects and children’s and youth writing in the Specialization Course in Teaching Creative Writing and Children’s Poetry in the Master’s Degree in Poetry. Since 2014, he has also been responsible for the children’s and youth book recommendations given by the cultural magazine Adiós. He occasionally contributes to other cultural publications (Cuatrogatos, LIJ digital magazine) and radio shows (La estación azul de los niños, RNE). Along with this, he coordinates youth and adult reading clubs at public libraries, in bookstores and on digital platforms. He is also an oral storyteller, telling stories in squares, cafés, universities... or any other space where people might be willing to listen.

He combines his literary work with a dedication to creative thinking and social awareness. He has been a university professor (USP-CEU) and has worked at Cáritas Española for more than ten years as national head of development education, training and volunteering.
Casa Árabe Reading Club
  • Casa Árabe Reading Club: Period 1

    Casa Árabe Reading Club: Period 1

    From April 22, 2024 until May 07, 2024Sessions will be held on Tuesdays, May 7 and 21, June 4 and 18 and July 2, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
    Casa Árabe headquarters (at Calle Alcalá, 62). Sessions will be held on Tuesdays, May 7 and 21, June 4 and 18 and July 2, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. First period: 50 euros. Price for two periods: 110 euros.
    First period: 50 euros. Second period: 80 euros. Price for two periods (joint purchase): 110 euros. 
    In Spanish.
    On May 7, we will be hosting the first session in the first period of Casa Árabe’s Reading Club, which will be lasting until July 2. See the works to be discussed and sign up below. 
    The works that we will be talking about during the first period are as follows:

    Madre de leche y miel (Mother of Milk and Honey) (2018), Najat El Hachmi
    A Dacha in the Gulf (2020), Emilio S. Mediavilla
    The Stranger (1942), Albert Camus
    Meursault: Case reviewed (2015), Kamel Daud
    Ice (1967), Anna Kavan

    You can obtain the books at Casa Árabe’s Balqís bookstore.

    In all, we will be holding 5 sessions with the Club’s meeting dates as follows:
    Tuesday, May 7
    Tuesday, May 21
    Tuesday, June 4
    Tuesday, June 18
    Tuesday, July 2

    They will be held from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. in person at Casa Árabe’s headquarters in Madrid and will be moderated by Javier Fonseca, from the Escuela de Escritores. 
  • Casa Árabe Reading Club: Periods 1+2 

    Casa Árabe Reading Club: Periods 1+2 

    From April 22, 2024 until May 07, 2024From May 7 to September 17 (on the dates indicated), from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
    Casa Árabe headquarters (at Calle Alcalá, 62). From May 7 to September 17 (on the dates indicated), from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. 110 euros (two periods).
    First period: 50 euros. Second period: 80 euros. Price for two periods (joint purchase): 110 euros. 
    In Spanish.
    If you are passionate about reading and have decided to join our Book Club, you will be given a discount if you pay for the first two periods together. They will lasting from May 7 through December 17.
    The first period will last from May 7 to July 2. The works that we will be talking about during the first period are as follows:

    Madre de leche y miel (Mother of Milk and Honey) (2018), Najat El Hachmi
    A Dacha in the Gulf (2020), Emilio S. Mediavilla
    The Stranger (1942), Albert Camus
    Meursault: Case reviewed (2015), Kamel Daud
    Ice (1967), Anna Kavan

    There will be 5 sessions in all, and the Club meeting dates will be:
    Tuesday, May 7
    Tuesday, May 21
    Tuesday, June 4
    Tuesday, June 18
    Tuesday, July 2

    The second period will be lasting from September 10 through December 17. During this period, the books to be discussed are as follows:

    Too Loud a Solitude (1976), Bohumil Hrabal
    He Who Is Worthy of Love (2018), Abdellah Taïa
    The Uruguayan (2016), Pedro Mairal
    Ashes of the Caliphate (2019), Mikel Ayestaran
    All Birds (2020), Wajdi Mouawad
    Frankenstein in Baghdad (2019), Ahmed Saadawi
    The Trees (2023), Perceval Everett
    Monsieur Ibrahim and the Flowers of the Qur’an (2001), Eric-Emmanuel Schmmitt

    There will be a total of 8 sessions and the club meeting dates will be:
    Tuesday, September 10
    Tuesday, September 24
    Tuesday, October 8
    Tuesday, October 22
    Tuesday, November 5
    Tuesday, November 19
    Tuesday, December 3
    Tuesday, December 17

    The sessions will be held on the indicated dates from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. in person at Casa Árabe’s headquarters in Madrid and will be moderated by Javier Fonseca, from the Escuela de Escritores.

    You can obtain the books at Casa Árabe’s Balqís bookstore. 
  • Casa Árabe Reading Club: Period 2 

    Casa Árabe Reading Club: Period 2 

    From July 24, 2024 until September 10, 2024The sessions will be held on Tuesdays, September 10 and 24, October 8 and 22, November 5 and 19, and December 3 and 17, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
    Casa Árabe headquarters (at Calle Alcalá, 62). The sessions will be held on Tuesdays, September 10 and 24, October 8 and 22, November 5 and 19, and December 3 and 17, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Second period: 80 euros. Price of two joint periods: 110 euros.
    First period: 50 euros. Second period: 80 euros. Price for two periods (joint purchase):110 euros. 
    In Spanish.
    After the summer break, on September 10 we will bringing back Casa Árabe Reading Club’s sessions, with a second period to be lasting until December 17. Sign up now! 
    During this period, the books to be discussed are as follows:

    Too Loud a Solitude (1976), Bohumil Hrabal
    He Who Is Worthy of Love (2018), Abdellah Taïa
    The Uruguayan (2016), Pedro Mairal
    Ashes of the Caliphate (2019), Mikel Ayestaran
    All Birds (2020), Wajdi Mouawad
    Frankenstein in Baghdad (2019), Ahmed Saadawi
    The Trees (2023), Perceval Everett
    Monsieur Ibrahim and the Flowers of the Qur’an (2001), Eric-Emmanuel Schmmitt

    You can obtain the books at Casa Árabe’s Balqís bookstore.

    In all, there will be 8 sessions with the Club’s meeting dates as follows:

    Tuesday, September 10
    Tuesday, September 24
    Tuesday, October 8
    Tuesday, October 22
    Tuesday, November 5
    Tuesday, November 19
    Tuesday, December 3
    Tuesday, December 17

    They will be held from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. in person at Casa Árabe’s headquarters in Madrid and will be moderated by Javier Fonseca, from the Escuela de Escritores.