
Index / Activities / Shows / The Traveler

The Traveler

December 15, 20168:00 p.m.
Casa Árabe Auditorium (at Calle Alcalá, 62). 8:00 p.m.

On the upcoming date of December 15, a dramatized reading of an adaptation of this classical work by Ibn Battuta will be performed.

“The travels completed across thirty years in the fourteenth century by the Moroccan Ibn Battuta are a tale of an inner journey, of searching and discovery. It could be the story of Christopher Columbus or the first man looking down on the Earth from space. It is the journey of life. When I finished reading and researching about Ibn Battuta, I asked myself what would drive a man to travel for 30 years without returning to his homeland? What was he searching for with such great interest and fascination, almost obsessively? Why the constant fleeing? In all sincerity, I had a hard time figuring it out. When I looked inside of myself, I understood. 

There was only one possible answer: Ibn Battuta was not fleeing from anything. Quite the opposite, he wanted to find himself. He searches for himself in others. Could there be any better way to do so? It is the story of a human being attempting to discover who he is by observing the world, the universe... It is by learning about others that we find out who we are ourselves. Ibn Battuta is an example of the interest in and respect for different cultures and traditions, a person who loved life and human relationships. We have become what we are today thanks to courageous men and women like him.

Now that it is easier than ever to travel, it is disheartening to discover what a hard time human beings have understanding each other, respecting each other and seeing themselves in each other’s reflection, in that which is different. The world has not changed so much in seven hundred years. We are all like Battuta, trying to understand the mystery of life and the meaning of death.”

Marco Magoa. 

Written and directed by: Marco Magoa
Dramatized reading of an adaptation of the classical work by Ibn Battuta

Actors: César Capilla, Hicham Malayo, Ruth Salas, Ibrahim Ibnou Goush, Carolina Yuste and Ben Zahra
The Traveler

Casa Árabe 

The Embassy of Spain in Jordan, FIAPP and the ACERCA program