Index / Services / BALQÍS BOOKSHOP

Librería Balqís

The Balqís  bookstore is located at Casa Árabe’s Madrid headquarters. It offers an excellent selection of all the currently published titles in Spain related with the Arab and Islamic world.

In the bookstore’s catalogue, you will find a wide variety of topics: Arabic language, sociology, politics, history, fiction, poetry, thought, art, photography, children’s literature, comics, cooking, travel, and much more.  There are also many books in Arabic and other languages, as well as albums and DVDs.

You may also place orders and make purchases online through its website.


Open Monday through Friday from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 to 7:30 p.m.
+34 91 563 30 66
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C/ Alcalá, 62. 28009 Madrid