Film series and debate on coexistence and the prevention of violent radicalization
From January 07, 2021 until January 29, 2021MADRID / ONLINEThe CIDEAL Foundation and Casa Árabe are organizing this film series with the support of AECID, to be held in January 2021 in a hybrid live and online format.
Film: “Of Fathers and Sons”
Film series and debate on coexistence and the prevention of violent radicalization
January 29, 20217:00 p.m.MADRIDOn Friday, January 29, we will be screening this film at our Madrid headquarters, the last in the series on coexistence and prevention of radicalization that we have organized together with the CIDEAL foundation. You may register as of Friday, January 22.
Film: “God’s Horses”
Film series and debate on coexistence and the prevention of violent radicalization
January 22, 20217:30 p.m.MADRIDOn Friday, January 22, we will be holding this screening in the film series that Casa Árabe has organized together with CIDEAL on the prevention of radicalization. Sign up now to reserve your seat -
Films: “The Tales of Ali” and “Ten Days Before the Wedding”
Online cinema in December
December 18, 2020Films available as of 12:00 p.m. on December 18, for 72 hours.ONLINEAs of December 18, we will be showing these two film screenings, the last in our film series “Tales of Yemen” on our Vimeo channel. We will be back in 2021 with more films.
Online cinema in December
December 18, 2020Each film will be available for 72 hours as of the indicated date.ONLINEWe will be showing the films included in the series “Tales of Yemen,” but now in an online version. The movies will be available for free on Casa Árabe’s Vimeo channel on the indicated dates (you must request a viewing code in advance).