“Christians in the pre-Islamic era and the formation of Arab identity”April 12, 20167:30 p.m.CóRDOBACasa Árabe invites you to the presentation of issue number 12 of the Awraq journal and to a conference titled: “Christians in the Pre-Islamic Era and the Formation of Arab Identity,” to be given by Juan Pedro Monferrer-Sala, the professor who heads the Department of Arab and Islamic Studies at the University of Cordoba.
Mosques, myth and reality
March 31, 20167:30 p.mCóRDOBAConference given by Carmen González Gutiérrez, a doctor of Archeology from the University of Cordoba, on March, 31. -
Timbuktu: Past relations with Al-Andalus and their legacy
March 31, 20167:00 p.m.MADRIDCoinciding with the publication of two works on Timbuktu's past, Casa Árabe is organizing a round table discussion about the relations between Al-Andalus and Timbuktu on March 31. -
Islam and Politics: Mythological constructs, past customs and current practicesMarch 10, 20167:00 p.m.MADRIDCasa Árabe and Casa de Velázquez have organized this conference with a view to analyzing the political changes in the Middle East since the Arab Springs.
Dialogue between Islam and Christianity
March 07, 20167:00 p.m.MADRIDCasa Árabe organizes a round table discussion about inter-religious dialogue between Christianity and Islam.