Arab cultural resurgence through its poets
March 05, 20257:00 p.m.CORDOBAProfessor Ignacio Gutiérrez de Terán, from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, will be giving this lecture in Cordoba on Wednesday, March 5, as part of our series devoted to “The Arabs and Their Poetry: A journey across the centuries.”
Dialogue with Meryem Alaoui
March 05, 202512:00 p.m.MADRIDThe tenth session in the event series Aula Árabe Universitaria, with the participation of Moroccan writer Meryem Alaoui, who authored the book “De la boca del caballo sale la verdad” (“From the Horse’s Mouth Comes the Truth). It will be taking place online, on Wednesday, February 5. Sign up here to attend.
Yahya al-Ghazal: the travels of an ambassador between Umayyad Cordoba and Constantinople
March 04, 20257:00 p.m.CORDOBAOn Tuesday March 4, researcher Elsa Cardoso, of the CSIC’s EEA, will be giving the third session in the event series “Semblances of Cordoba: The Umayyad era in the first person,” which gives us a closer look at the Umayyads’ diplomacy practices in Al-Andalus. -
Syria after Al Assad: where is it headed? Transition and post-war challenges
February 26, 20257:00 p.m.MADRIDOn Wednesday, February 26, Casa Árabe is hosting a round table discussion on Syria with the participation of Rim Turkmani, a senior researcher at the London School of Economics, Azzam Al Kassir, an expert on security and political Islam, and Dima Moussa, a member of the Syrian Opposition Coalition. Sign up here to attend in person or watch it live on YouTube. -
“Poetry in the Streets: Jarchas, moaxajas and cejeles”
February 26, 20257:00 p.m.CORDOBAOn Wednesday, February 26, we will be hosting a new session in our series of conferences on Arabic poetry. On this occasion, Ignacio Ferrando Frutos (University of Cádiz) will be talking about strophic poetry from Al-Andalus. Come join us!