The Arab pillar of European culture
“Dialogues on Open Societies” series of conferences
January 14, 20197:00 p.m.MADRIDFirst session in the series “Dialogues on Open Societies,” given by Josep Borrell, Spain’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Susana Calvo Capilla, a professor from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Emilio González Ferrín, a professor from the University of Seville.
A view from Qurtuba
From November 08, 2018 until December 12, 20187:30 p.m.CÓRDOBADuring the months of November and December, Casa Árabe’s headquarters in Cordoba is hosting a series of conferences titled “Innovations in Archeology on Al-Andalus: A view from Qurtuba,” coordinated by Professor Desiderio Vaquerizo, of the University of Cordoba.
Islam and Christianity: From anathema to dialogue
December 11, 20187:00 p.m.MADRIDTheologian Juan José Tamayo is giving this conference in Madrid on December 11. Tamayo, director of the Department of Theology and Religion Sciences at the Universidad Carlos III of Madrid, will be accompanied by Pedro Martínez-Avial, the General Director of Casa Árabe.
International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People 2018
December 03, 20187:00 p.m.MADRIDCasa Árabe and the Diplomatic Mission of Palestine in Spain have organized this event, to be held on December 3 for the commemoration of this date.
Historical reflections on women in Al-Andalus (from the twenty-first century)
Nisa al-Andalus: Historical reflections on women in Al-Andalus
November 15, 20187:30 p.m.CÓRDOBALast conference in the series titled “Nisá al-Ándalus: Historical reflections on women in Al-Andalus,” to be given by Professor María Jesús Viguera Molins, an honorary professor emeritus at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.