Current conflict in the Near East: nomenclature problems
April 18, 20164:00 p.mMADRIDThe opening conference of the course titled “Islam and Muslims Today: Fundamentals, diversity and relations with Spain” will be given by Dolors Bramon Planas -
Why is Daesh surviving militarily?
April 18, 2016 7:00 p.m.MADRIDCasa Árabe has organized this conference with the objective of analyzing Daesh’s actual military strength -
Fourth Arab-Christian Day: Christian tradition in the Gulf countries
April 13, 20165:00 p.mMADRID“The Fourth Arab-Christian Days: Christian tradition in the Gulf countries,” is an attempt to present different aspects (literary, cultural, artistic...) of Christianity within this geographic area from both past and present. -
“Christians in the pre-Islamic era and the formation of Arab identity”April 12, 20167:30 p.m.CóRDOBACasa Árabe invites you to the presentation of issue number 12 of the Awraq journal and to a conference titled: “Christians in the Pre-Islamic Era and the Formation of Arab Identity,” to be given by Juan Pedro Monferrer-Sala, the professor who heads the Department of Arab and Islamic Studies at the University of Cordoba.
Mosques, myth and reality
March 31, 20167:30 p.mCóRDOBAConference given by Carmen González Gutiérrez, a doctor of Archeology from the University of Cordoba, on March, 31.