Sens-poetry in Cordoba
Within the activities of Cosmopoética, the annual poetry festival organized in Cordoba, Casa Árabe’s headquarters were filled by sensations on a trip guided by the Colectivo Teatro Laboratorio Raquel Toledo, where verses accompanied that sense experience.September 20, 2012 -
Maghreb, Mashreq, Middle East and Afghanistan at the Institut Français
Thrusday September 27th, the Institut Français at Madrid organizes the speech "Maghreb, Mashreq, Middle East and Afghanistan: political axis ", by Jean-Christophe Victor.September 17, 2012 -
The president of the Syrian National Council met the minister of Foreign Affairs at Casa Árabe
Abdulbaset Sieda, president of the Syrian National Council, met on Monday September 3rd with the ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, José Manuel García-Margallo.September 11, 2012 -
The president of the Syrian National Council met the minister of Foreign Affairs at Casa Árabe
Abdulbaset Sieda, president of the Syrian National Council, met on Monday September 3rd with the ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, José Manuel García-Margallo.September 11, 2012 -
Screening of the film At Night, They Dance
On Thursday September 6th, El Documental del Mes [The Monthly Documentary] launched in Madrid At Night, They Dance, a story which depicts the family clan of Egyptian women who survive acting as belly-dancers in Cairo.September 05, 2012