Visit to Casa Árabe by Prince Hassan bin Talal of Jordan
On the occasion of an event organized by Casa Árabe and the International Center of Toledo for Peace (CITPax) on October 24.
October 24, 2018MADRID -
Twenty-first Meeting of the Forum for Research on the Arab and Muslim World (FIMAM)
Casa Árabe is hosting this event, to be held on the dates of October 25 and 2 at our headquarters in Cordoba and at the IESA.
October 18, 2018CóRDOBA -
Conference on “The Death Penalty in Times of Democratic Transition”
Colloquium between the former President of Mongolia, Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj, and the former Director General of UNESCO, Federico Mayor Zaragoza.
October 10, 2018MADRID -
Casa Árabe, Sísifo Award Winner of Honor for its research, defense and dissemination of archeological heritage
The institution was one of four to be awarded with this acknowledgement, given by the Archeology Department at the University of Cordoba through the scientific culture project “Arqueología somos todos” (We Are All Archeology).
October 05, 2018CóRDOBA -
New tours of Islamic Madrid
The Center for Studies on Islamic Madrid (CEMI), which forms part of the Islamic Culture Foundation (FUNCI), has organized two tours of Arab Madrid on the dates of October 6 and 20. You can sign up now.
October 03, 2018MADRID