Exposición "Arenas movedizas"
Published at 17 17,,, 23 2023
Exposición Jerusalén a principios de siglo XX
Visita virtual a la exposición Jerusalén a principios de siglo XX, que da a conocer la historia de Jerusalén a través de fotografías antiguas y de vestidos tradicionales. La exposición podrá visitarse hasta el 28 de febrero de 2010 en horario de lunes a sábados de 11:00 a 20:00 horas; y los domingos y festivos de 11:00 a 15:00 horas, si bien permanecerá cerrada los días 24, 25 y 31 de diciembre, y 1 y 6 de enero. La entrada es libre. Más información en http://casaarabe-ieam.es/casa-arabe-tv/show/228?pes=1Published at 02 15,,, 14 2014 -
Exhibition "Threads of Light", interview with Hanoos
Casa Árabe is exhibiting the most recent works by this Iraqi artist at its headquarters in Madrid, from May 29 to October 6, 2014. The artist surprises us with his colorful canvases inspired by the verses of Iraqi poet Abdal-Wahab al-Bayati, a great figure in contemporary Arab poetry to whom Hanoos dedicates this exhibition. In this series, of which 18 canvases are being displayed, the artist gives form to childhood memories in his native land, creating a harmonic dialogue with images from his later personal experiences. Pets, feminine figures and characters wearing traditional Iraqi clothing mix together, overlapping in a single pictorial/narrative time and space, in a visual interplay between form and color. More: http://en.casaarabe.es/event/“threads-of-light”-by-hanoosPublished at 21 14,,, 14 2014