Event series on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
From October 15, 2020 until June 30, 20217:00 p.m.MADRIDCasa Árabe is preparing a new series of conferences, this time about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), during the second half of 2020 and first half of 2021.
Shari’a and criminal law in medieval and modern times
Conference series on "Shari’a or the Sacred Law of Muslims"
June 30, 20217:30 p.m.ONLINE -
Multi-sector round table discussion: How to make the most of Tunisia’s economic potential
June 29, 2021From 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.ONLINEOn Tuesday, June 29, we have organized this online conference for companies about Tunisia’s potential in various sectors of interest, including namely the agri-food industry and renewable energies.
LGBT views from the perspective of inclusion
June 28, 20217:00 p.m.MADRID / ONLINEIn order to mark LGBT Pride Day 2021, Casa Árabe, with the cooperation of Kifkif-Entre Iguales, the LGBT Migrant and Refugee Association, invites you to a film forum about the short-subject film “Hassan.” It will be held in Madrid on Monday, June 28, and on our YouTube channel.
The beginning of cooperation with Muslims in Spain
Conference series on "Shari’a or the Sacred Law of Muslims"
June 22, 20217:30 p.m.CORDOBA / ONLINEOn Tuesday, June 22 in Cordoba, we will be hosting a new conference in our series devoted to shari’a law, given by Fernando Amérigo. Sign up now to attend in person or follow the event live on YouTube and Facebook Live.