The act of collecting through the eyes of Mohsen Yammine
June 01, 20177:00 p.m.MADRIDConversation between the collector, Mohsen Yammine, and the director of the Arab Image Foundation of Beirut Marc Mouarkech.
Islamic Finance in North Africa: Development and prospects for growth in Morocco
May 31, 20177:00 p.m.MADRIDCasa Árabe has organized this conference, to be given by a representative of the Central Bank of Morocco (Bank Al-Maghrib) on the occasion of the presentation of the latest issue of the journal Awraq.
Iraq Today: Prospects for peace and stability
May 25, 20177:00 p.m.MADRIDThe Embassy of Iraq in Spain and Casa Árabe have organized this conference by Iraq’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ibrahim Al Jaaffary.
Cultures, Gender and Sexualities
May 23, 2017From 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.MADRIDA public seminar and workshop for professionals organized by the Union of Family Associations (UNAF) on motherhood and sexuality in Morocco.
Testimonies by victims of ethnic and religious violence in Iraq
May 23, 20177:30 p.m.MADRIDCasa Árabe is hosting this conference, with testimonies given by the Bishop of Kirkuk, the Archbishop of Basra, Archbishop of Aleppo, a Member of the Iraqi Parliament and artist Naseer Shamma.