Opening event and performance by Nuria García Masip and Bahman Panahi
Casa Árabe contributes to the Brief Festival
October 01, 2015Further information coming soon.MADRIDTo celebrate the opening of the Brief Festival, García Masip and Panahi will be giving a performance of muscalligraphy.
Concert: Curro Piñana y las Tres Culturas
Casa Árabe takes part in Segovia's Hay Festival
September 24, 20159:00 p.m.SEGOVIAThe performance is being given on the occasion of the 850th anniversary of the birth of Ibn Arabi and the Fifth Gentennial of Santa Teresa de Jesús
“The Ramadan Moon” historical recreation
Ramadan Nights 2015
July 16, 201510:00 p.m.CóRDOBADramatized performance forming part of the Nights of Ramadan
“Secrets of Al-Andalus” concert
Ramadan Nights 2015
July 10, 201510:00 p.m.CóRDOBAEmilio Villalba and Sara Marina are giving this performance as part of the Nights of Ramadan
Cordoba Guitar Festival
July 07, 20159:30 p.m.CóRDOBAFor yet another year, Casa Árabe is taking part in this musical event with a concert by duo Ali Khattab and Hesham Essam.