
  • International Journalism Awards Ceremony

    International Journalism Awards Ceremony

    The General Director of Casa Árabe, Eduardo López Busquets, has received the award given by the Association of Arab Journalists and Writers in Spain, as part of the International Press Club awards ceremony,
    April 30, 2013
  • Artistic Residency of Alia Farid

    Artistic Residency of Alia Farid

    Casa Árabe, with the cooperation of Delfina Foundation, has invited artist Alia Farid to complete an artistic residency at its headquarters in Cordoba. 
    April 20, 2013
  • Iraq: 10 Years On – A Decade of Turbulence

     Organised by The Cordoba Foundation with The Sharq Forum, the international conference "Iraq: 10 Years On – A Decade of Turbulence" takes place on 8th April 2013.
    April 01, 2013
  • Iraqi Kurdistan comes closer to Spain

    In early April, Casa Árabe hosted a meeting with a delegation of the Regional Government of Iraqi Kurdistan (GRK) on an official visit to Spain. Heading the Kurdish delegation was Imad Ahmed Sayfour, Assistant Primer Minister, who was accompanied by senior government officials, including two ministers, that of Planning, Ali Sindi, and that of Housing and Reconstruction, Kamaran Ahmed Abdullah.
    April 01, 2013
  • Forum on the "Arab World in Transition"

    Forum on the "Arab World in Transition"

    Casa Árabe took part in  Aljazeera's seventh Forum, organized by the  Aljazeera Centre for Studies from March 16 to 18 in the city of Doha, to discuss the subject of the "Arab World in Transition: Opportunities and Challenges".
    March 18, 2013