
  • Iraq: A Decade of Upheaval

    The Cordoba Foundation and The Sharq Forum are organizing an international conference on the tenth anniversary of the war in Iraq, on April 8 in London.
    March 18, 2013
  • King Faisal Awards of 2013 Announced

    King Faisal Awards of 2013 Announced

    The King Faisal Foundation of Saudi Arabia has announced the winners of the International King Faisal Awards of 2013. These awards recognize the work performed by notable domestic and foreign personages in fields such as Science, Medicine, Arabic Language and Literature, Islamic Studies and Service to Islam.
    March 14, 2013
  • Women, Childhood and Adolescence in Palestine

    On March 19-21 at its headquarters in Madrid, Casa Árabe will be hosting several days of activities on "Women, Childhood and Adolescence: A Focus on Rights in the Humanitarian Action in the Occupied Palestinian Territory," organized by the Spanish committee of the UNRWA.
    March 04, 2013
  • Casa Árabe Welcomes the High Representative of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations

    Casa Árabe Welcomes the High Representative of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations

    On the occasion of his trip to Spain this week, the new High Representative of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, Nassir Al Nasser, visited the Cordoba headquarters of Casa Árabe on February 20, having been invited to do so by this institution.
    February 22, 2013
  • 29th "Cirilo Rodríguez" Award for Foreign Correspondents

    The Press Association of Segovia (APS) has announced the holding of the "Cirilo Rodríguez" Journalism Award for Spanish media’s correspondents and special envoys abroad, which is now reaching its 29th edition. 
    February 13, 2013