Islam and Muslims Today
From December 18, 2013 until January 05, 2014International Dimension and Relations with SpainPublication available on-line -
The Regional and International Implications of the Syrian Conflict
From October 15, 2013 until December 17, 2013With the cooperation of Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and FRIDE, we are organizing this seminar in order to increase awareness of the many facets of the Syrian conflict and their effects on international relations. It is intended for decision-makers and opinion leaders in Spain. -
Ninth Plenary Session of the Spanish-Morocco Forum of Legal Experts: "The Law and Cooperation in the Mediterranean Area"
From November 22, 2013 until December 02, 2013The Ninth Plenary Session of the Spanish-Morocco Legal Experts’ Forum is taking place from November 28-30 in Cordoba, with the title "The Law and Cooperation in the Mediterranean Area." -
Round Table Discussion: "The Arab Decade of Disability: Achievements and Prospects"
From November 22, 2013 until December 02, 2013The Foundation for the Social Promotion of Culture (FPSC), with the cooperation of Casa Árabe and the AECID, is holding the round table discussion The Arab Decade of Disability: Achievement and Prospects. The event will be officially opened by the General Director of Casa Árabe, Eduardo López Busquets, and by the President of the FPSC, Jumana Trad. Also taking part are representatives from four local organizations that work on disability-related topics in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt. They are presenting the achievements made and the new prospects opening up as the "Arab Decade for People with Disabilities (2004-2013)" draws to a close. -
First Elcano Forum on Global Terrorism: "Global Terrorism and the Western Mediterranean"
From November 18, 2013 until November 28, 2013We are hosting this forum organized by the Real Instituto Elcano in Madrid, with the cooperation of the Embassy of the United States in Spain and the Ortega-Marañón Foundation. It is held on the dates of November 18-19 in the auditorium at our headquarters (at Calle Alcalá, 62).