Courses and seminars

Index / Activities

  • Arab food Showcooking

    Arab food Showcooking

    From October 31, 2012 until November 26, 2012
    Casa Árabe and the School of Catering Trade of Cordoba organized on Monday November 26th an Arab food showcooking where different approaches on current Arab cooking were displayed through the presentation show of traditional and modern dishes.
  • Postgraduate course on Kosher and Halal

    Postgraduate course on Kosher and Halal

    From October 10, 2012 until November 23, 2012
    Casa Árabe and the Sefarad-Israel Centre in collaboration with the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the Centre for Human and Social Science (CCHS) offered the postgraduate course: Kašer y ḥalāl: lo lícito y lo ilícito en el judaísmo y el islam [Kosher and Halal: what is licit and illicit in Judaism and Islam] which took place from November 19th to 23rd.
  • Arabele Congress 2012

    Arabele Congress 2012

    From September 04, 2012 until September 29, 2012
    Madrid hosts "Arabele 2012: Second International Congress on Teaching of Arabic as a Foreign Language", from September 27th to 29th.
  • Arabic language courses

    Arabic language courses

    From September 04, 2012 until September 16, 2012
    Registration period for Arabic language courses starting in October is September 1st to September 16th.
  • Arab World Rhythms

    Arab World Rhythms

    From May 28, 2012 until June 20, 2012
    The registration period for the course Arab World Rhythms, taking place in Madrid from July 2nd to 6th and taught by Brigitte Vasallo, is open from June 1st to 20th.

Find more activities in our Courses and seminars schedule: