Books and publications

Index / Activities

  • The Power of Mothers

    The Power of Mothers

    February 25, 20257:00 p.m.
    On Tuesday, February 25, Casa Árabe and the Capitán Swing publishing firm are presenting “El poder de las madres. Por un nuevo sujeto revolucionario” (“The Power of Mothers: For a new revolutionary subject”), an assertive book by French-Moroccan essayist, political scientist and activist Fatima Ouassak. Come join us or watch the live broadcast on YouTube
  • The One-Eyed Kids 

    The One-Eyed Kids 

    February 11, 20257:00 p.m.
    On Tuesday, February 11, Casa Árabe and the Alianza publishing house will be presenting this work by Rocío Lardinois, in a talk with Bárbara Azaola. This will be accompanied by a dramatized reading of a few passages from the book. 
  • The Cordoba Library 

    The Cordoba Library 

    January 24, 20257:00 p.m.
    On Friday, January 24, Casa Árabe, the Municipal Network of Libraries of Cordoba and the publishing house Penguin Libros will be presenting this book by Andrea D. Morales, at an event which will also feature a presentation by writer and journalist Matilde Cabello. Come join us! 
  • Casa Árabe Reading Club

    Casa Árabe Reading Club

    From April 17, 2024 until December 17, 2024Check dates, times and fees for each period.
    Casa Árabe, with the cooperation of the Escuela de Escritores (School of Writers), is organizing a Reading Club with a special emphasis on Arab literature, thus reflecting the diversity, wealth and complexity of these societies and their history. Sign up now! 
  • Sahel Report: Geopolitics and future prospects

    Sahel Report: Geopolitics and future prospects

    December 09, 20247:00 p.m.
    Casa Árabe is presenting the Sahel Report, a basic document and essential theoretical framework for understanding the dynamics of a crucial region for Africa and the world, with the cooperation of Geopol21 and Africa Mundi. The event will be taking place in Madrid on Monday, December 9. Please sign up to attend.

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