Books and publications

Index / Activities

  • “The Informer and the Terrorist”

    “The Informer and the Terrorist”

    March 31, 202207:00 p.m.
    Casa Árabe and the Editorial Ariel publishing firm have organized this presentation of the book “El confidente y el terrorista. Historias (poco) ejemplares del antiyihadismo” (“The Informer and the Terrorist: (Not so) exemplary tales about fighting Jihadism”), a chronicle written by journalists Braulio García Jaén and Matías Escudero Arce. You can watch it live on our YouTube channel.
  • Presentation of the book “The Memory of Oblivion”

    Presentation of the book “The Memory of Oblivion”

    March 23, 20226:00 p.m.
    Casa Árabe, with the cooperation of Doctors Without Borders and the Editorial
    Blume publishing firm, has organized the presentation of this book by Juan Carlos Tomasi in Madrid on March 23.
  • World Poetry Day

    World Poetry Day

    March 21, 20226:00 p.m.
    Casa Árabe, with the cooperation of the Foundation for Islamic Culture and
    Religious Tolerance (FICRT) and the Universidad Complutense de Madrid’s
    School of Philology, is organizing this event on March 21 to mark World Poetry Day, with the participation of six poets.
  • Translating Arabic thought or the Arab imaginary into French

    Translating Arabic thought or the Arab imaginary into French

    March 20, 2022
    To mark the Day of “La Francophonie” (the French-speaking world) celebrated
    on March 20, Casa Árabe is hosting this podcast-format summary of one of the
    sessions of the “First International Gender and Francophonie Days: Thinking the Maghreb,” in which we held a talk in French with writers Abdellah Taïa and
    Fatima Daas.
  • Presentation of “Memories of the Niger River”

    Presentation of “Memories of the Niger River”

    March 10, 20226:00 p.m.
    Artist Irene López de Castro will be presenting her book in Madrid on Thursday, March 10, at an event organized by Casa Árabe and Casa África as part of Women’s Week. Women’s Week.

Find more activities in our Books and publications schedule: