Books and publications

Index / Activities

  • I Am Alone 

    I Am Alone 

    June 02, 20216:00 p.m.
    On Wednesday, June 2, Casa África and Casa Árabe, with the cooperation of the Libros del Baobab book collection by Libros de las Malas Compañías, are presenting this work by Beyrouk. The event will be posted live on our Youtube channel.
  • Alforja vieja

    Alforja vieja

    May 31, 20216:00 p.m.
    Casa Árabe and the Sial Pygmalion Publishing Group are presenting the book “Alforja vieja” (“Old Saddlebag”) by Abdo Tounsi in Madrid on Monday, May 31. Accompanying the author will be Abdul Hadi Saadoun, author of the prologue; Alberto Gomez Font, author of the foreword, and Basilio Rodriguez, editor.
  • The Doctor from Mosul

    The Doctor from Mosul

    May 26, 20216:00 p.m.
    On Wednesday, May 26, Casa Árabe will be presenting the latest book by journalist Óscar Mijallo at its Madrid headquarters, at an event in which the author will be taking part. EVENT FULL.
  • Reading workshop: "The Caliph's Court"

    Reading workshop: "The Caliph's Court"

    "Delving into al-Andalus" reading workshop
    From April 22, 2021 until May 20, 2021From April 22 to May 20, at 6:00 p.m.
    On April 22, we begin the second reading workshop in the series "Delving into Al-Andalus," with this work by Eduardo Manzano.
  • Interview with Leila Slimani

    Interview with Leila Slimani

    May 13, 20216:00 p.m.
    The Moroccan author has just had “In the Country of Others” published in Spanish (as “El país de los otros,” Cabaret Voltaire). On Thursday, May 13, you can watch the interview we held with her when she visited Casa Árabe.

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