Books and publications

Index / Activities

  • “The President’s Gardens” 

    “The President’s Gardens” 

    November 20, 20187:00 p.m.
    Casa Árabe and the Alianza Editorial publishing firm will be presenting the latest novel by the Iraqi writer residing in Spain, Muhsin al-Ramli, in Madrid on November 20.
  • “Half a Respectable Citizen,” by Hani Naqshabandi 

    “Half a Respectable Citizen,” by Hani Naqshabandi 

    November 12, 20187:00 p.m.
    On November 12 in Madrid, Casa Árabe will be presenting this work published by Editorial Mercurio.
  • Homage to poet Nizar Qabbani 

    Homage to poet Nizar Qabbani 

    November 05, 20187:00 p.m.
    Casa Árabe has organized an evening to pay homage to the Syrian poet on the twentieth anniversary of his death.
  • The Blue Well Baths

    The Blue Well Baths

    October 16, 20187:00 p.m.
    Jesús Sánchez Adalid, the book’s author, will be attending the presentation of his latest work at the Casa Árabe headquarters in Madrid.
  • Presentation of “The Castilian-Arabian Vocabulist”

    Presentation of “The Castilian-Arabian Vocabulist”

    October 10, 20187:00 p.m.
    Casa Árabe and Libros de las Islas are presenting this work, which makes is possible to become familiar with the Arabic spoken in Tangier in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.

Find more activities in our Books and publications schedule: