A Look at the East: Traveler Lady Montagu and the painter Ingres
September 12, 20177:30 p.m.MADRIDCasa Árabe is hosting a conversation in Madrid with Patricia Almarcegui and Pilar Rubio about the books “The Painter and the Traveler” and “Letters from Istanbul,” by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu.
Summer reads
From July 24, 2017 until September 03, 2017For yet another year, Casa Árabe is suggesting a series of summer reads with Arab authors and themes.
Homage to Alberto Elena
June 28, 20177:00 p.m.MADRIDCasa Árabe and Secuencias: Revista de historia del cine have organized this homage event on the occasion of the presentation of issue number 43-44 of the publication titled “El lugar del otro” (“The Other’s Place”).
Weapons of Mass Seduction
June 21, 20177:00 p.m.MADRIDCasa Árabe and Ediciones Península are presenting this work by Javier Lesaca, a visiting researcher from George Washington University.
Abbas Ibn Firnas, the sage from Al-Andalus
Nights of Ramadan 2017
June 20, 201708:00 p.m.CORDOBAPresentation of this book by Antonio R. Acedo del Olmo, organized by Casa Árabe and the Municipal Government of Cordoba.