Books and publications

Index / Activities

  • Presentation of the book “Silk Nights”

    Presentation of the book “Silk Nights”

    March 08, 20167:00 p.m.
    On the occasion of International Women’s Day, Casa Árabe and the Verbum publishing firm, with the cooperation of the Círculo Intercultural Hispano Árabe, invite you to this presentation of the book: “Noches de Seda” (“Silk Nights”) by Aicha Bassry.
  • Arab (Dis)continuities

    Arab (Dis)continuities

    February 16, 20167:00 p.m.
    Elena Arigita Maza and Juan A. Macías Amoretti, the book’s editors, are presenting this work containing discourses and imaginaries within a context of change.
  • The “Start Playing...!!!” language method

    The “Start Playing...!!!” language method

    February 04, 20167:00 p.m.
    Casa Árabe is presenting this fun phonetic method to learn reading and writing in Arabic, designed for children with hearing impairments, as well as pre-school and primary school students.
  • Islamic Madrid

    Islamic Madrid

    February 02, 20167:00 p.m.
    Daniel Gil-Benumeya is the author of this work dedicated to the city’s Islamic origins and legacy.
  • The Arab Spring Revisited

    The Arab Spring Revisited

    January 19, 20167:00 p.m.
    Casa Árabe hosts the presentation of this book on the remodeling of authoritarianism and the reshaping of Islamism.

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