Conferences and debates

Index / Activities

  • Moroccan media in a changing environment

    From September 01, 2012 until September 18, 2012
    On Tuesday September 18th, Casa Árabe hosts a debate with Morocco opinion makers. Journalists from the main media in the country will be gathered to discuss.
  • Lecture on Arabic calligraphy

    Lecture on Arabic calligraphy

    From September 04, 2012 until September 13, 2012
    The Emirati artist and calligrapher Khalid Ali al Jallaf and the professor José Miguel Puerta Vílchez will offer on September 12th and 13th a Tribune titled "Arabic Calligraphy: Jewel in the Crown of the Islamic Art", both in Madrid and in Cordoba.
  • "Arab Development Challenges" to be discussed

    From July 24, 2012 until September 10, 2012
    Casa Árabe hosted the discussion on Arab Development Challenges with PNUD representatives in Cairo, expert analysts and Spanish institutions.
  • Agreement with the Moroccan Chamber of Commerce

    Agreement with the Moroccan Chamber of Commerce

    From July 31, 2012 until September 10, 2012
    The signing of the collaboration agreement between the Moroccan Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services in Spain (CCISME) and Casa Árabe established the basis to develop joint projects and activities in the areas of commercial cooperation, investment, and training and also to raise awareness in order to foster the economic relations between Morocco and Spain.
  • Elections in Egypt

    Elections in Egypt

    From May 29, 2012 until June 06, 2012
    Casa Árabe, IEMED and Política Exterior organize a round table where Mahmud Salem, Egyptian bloger -@Sandmonkey-, analyzes his country’s situation in connection with the presidential elections.

Find more activities in our Conferences and debates schedule: