Business and investment opportunities in Jordan
From October 24, 2011 until November 07, 2011On November 7th, Casa Árabe organizes the business meeting "Casa Árabe, an economic diplomacy instrument within the Arab markets: business and investment opportunities in Jordan", in collaboration with the Confederation of Spanish Employers (CEOE). -
The Arab World through the Cinema: a Latin American and Spanish Approach
From October 24, 2011 until November 03, 2011On the event of the book launch First Middle East Contemporary Cinema Exhibition, an English-Spanish bilingual edition, Sergio Becerra, director of the Cinematheque of Bogotá’s Capital District, and Alberto Elena, professor at the Carlos III University of Madrid, will discuss the knowledge of the Arab world societies through the Seventh Art. -
Canadian Arabs: art in movement
From September 27, 2011 until October 25, 2011Casa Árabe organizes in Madrid a speech with the Arab-Canadians professors May Telmissany, writer and professor at the University of Ottawa; Walid el-Khachab, professor at York University and the University of Ottawa; and Malek Khouri, associated professor at the American University in Cairo and at the University of Calgary. -
Islam Memory and image. Al-Andalus case
From September 26, 2011 until October 13, 2011Casa Árabe organizes this speech where Gema Martín Muñoz, Director General of Casa Árabe, Rogelio López Cuenca, visual artist, José Miguel Puerta Vílchez, professor at the University of Granada, and Charles Hirschkind, at Berkeley University in California. -
US Policy in an unsettled Middle East
From September 26, 2011 until October 04, 2011Casa Árabe and the Embassy of the United States in Spain organize this lecture by Bruce W. Jentleson, professor at Duke University's Sanford School of Public Policy and former senior adviser at the State Department.