Books and publications

Index / Activities

  • "Euro-Mediterranean Migrations: Socio-economic impact and policies”

    "Euro-Mediterranean Migrations: Socio-economic impact and policies”

    April 20, 201812:00 p.m.
    Casa Árabe and the journal Información Comercial Española (ICE), Revista de Economía are presenting this monographic issue in Madrid.
  • Prodigios: An anthology of Arabic poems

    Prodigios: An anthology of Arabic poems

    April 20, 20187:00 p.m.
    Casa Árabe is joining the celebrations of Book Night 2018 (La Noche de los Libros) with the presentation of this work illustrated by Rachid Koraïchi.
  • Heroes and Villains

    Heroes and Villains

    April 19, 20187:00 p.m.
    Ceuta lawyer José María Campos is presenting his latest work on the Spanish Protectorate in Morocco at Casa Árabe. It has been published by Almed. 
  • Prodigios: An anthology of Arab poems

    Prodigios: An anthology of Arab poems

    April 18, 20187:30 p.m.
    The event will be presented by Javier Rosón, the manager of Casa Árabe in Cordoba.
  • Syria: The impossible revolution

    Syria: The impossible revolution

    April 17, 20187:00 p.m.
    Syrian political opposition leader Yassin Al-Haj Saleh is presenting his work at the Casa Árabe headquarters in Madrid. This is a compilation of texts which the author has been publishing since the beginning of the insurrection in his country.

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