Books and publications

Index / Activities

  • Launch of the book Arab Society in Revolt

    Launch of the book Arab Society in Revolt

    From October 05, 2012 until October 17, 2012
    On Wednesday October 17th, Casa Árabe and the Elcano Royal Institute presented in Madrid the book Arab Society in Revolt, co-edited by Cesare Merlini and Oliver Roy.
  • "Alchemical Origins of Homeopathy and Floral Essence Therapy"

    From October 04, 2012 until October 14, 2012
    The journalist and homeopath Ángel Alcalá Malavé exposes on his last essay "Alchemical Origins of Homeopathy and Floral Essence Therapy. From Egypt to Plato; from al-Andalus to Edward Bach" that the origins of the homeopathy and flower therapy are in vegetal alchemy, a discipline that even the ancient Egyptians practiced and which was transmitted throughout history in the different civilizations up to our days.
  • "Tiempo diplomático" book launch [Diplomatic Time]

    "Tiempo diplomático" book launch [Diplomatic Time]

    From September 01, 2012 until September 19, 2012
    On September 19th, Madrid will host the launching of a new book by Manuel Montobbio, diplomat and Ph.D. in Political Sciences.
  • Fourth issue of the Awraq journal

    Fourth issue of the Awraq journal

    From June 12, 2012 until September 01, 2012
    Casa Árabe and the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) publish the fourth issue of AWRAQ. Revista de análisis y pensamiento sobre el mundo árabe e islámico contemporáneo [Awraq. Journal of analysis and ideas about the contemporary Arab and Islamic world] focused on Turkey and the Arabs.
  • Arabs portrayed in tales and novels

    Arabs portrayed in tales and novels

    From May 29, 2012 until June 08, 2012
    Casa Árabe organizes, on Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th June in Madrid and Cordoba, the book launch of Arabs portrayed in tales and novels. The Arab Migrant in the Latin American Narrative Imaginary, by the Cuban researcher Rigoberto Menéndez.

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